Usage of the Reach Technology G3 Developer VM and/or Reach Technology G3 Developer SDK depends on which GUI/application toolkit you use to develop the end product application. The choices include:
None - used for “headless” products that contain a G3 controller card.
Both Qt and Qt for Python support development with QML which is a Javascript like scripting language as well as the more traditional widget based model.
Reach Technology recommends you consider the choice between these models very carefully. While QML is the only way to access some of the more modern GUI elements and features (stuff typical of mobile app GUIs), as an interpreter, there is a performance cost to consider. Obviously, this can be a far more significant factor in an embedded system. The actual cost is dependent on the complexity of your GUI, but you must remember that virtually all modern smart phones and tablets have a much more powerful processor and GPU (with a commensurate price tag) than the G3 module. Also, some modern GUI elements depend on multi-touch and swipe gestures; these are inappropriate if your product is using a resistive touch sensor (often dictated by environmental factors).
Lastly, if your end product application GUI requires dynamic adjustment to actual runtime configuration or other circumstances, you may be better served using Qt for Python or WxPython1.
Currently, Qt, Qt for Python and X.Org2 are fully supported. The other alternatives will follow throughout 2021.
- 1
When available.
- 2
Reach Technology does not support or recommend development of low level X11 protocol applicationss for direct execution on the G3 module. The X.Org build is intended to be used as an X terminal; i.e. remote display from an app running on a different processor.